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The Effects of Childhood Hunger

November 10, 2015

One in 6 children are food insecure, meaning that they do not know where their next meal is going to come from. This lack of food is so much worse than a simple empty stomach. A child needs a well balanced meal to properly grow and strive.

“Children who went hungry at least once in their lives were 2½ times more likely to have poor overall health 10 to 15 years later, compared with those who never had to go without food,” says TIME magazine. Not having the proper nutrition as a child, negatively impacts your health as an adult, and ultimately limits your lifetime potential.

A lack of nutritious food leaves a physical AND emotional impact.  A child can develop trust issues or a lack of security since their meals were mostly inconsistent. Children’s Health Watch points out that food insecurity in children also affected their development. Some children had to repeat grades or had a harder time at school compared to those who had consistent meals. When someone misses a meal, hunger can overtake all other thoughts. Now imagine that as a child. The overwhelming feeling of hunger while everyone else is having their mid-morning snack. You haven’t eaten breakfast and are wondering if you’ll even get dinner tonight. How is a child suppose to focus on school work, when all they can think about is how hungry they are?

No child should have to worry about where their next meal is going to come from. Help a child strive and grow today by making a donation to support Move For Hunger's programs or by advocating for the policies that will create lasting change.  It doesn’t take much to make a difference for a child in need.

Categories: Hunger & Homelessness
Tagged with: Childhood Hunger