‘Tis the season for giving back! In November, Hampton Roads Moving & Storage volunteered to help transport donations from the 26th Annual Mayflower Marathon Holiday Food Drive to the Virginia Peninsula Foodbank. 

The event is a massive food drive and Hampton Roads Moving and Storage collected and transported nearly 325,500lbs of donated food, equalling more than 270,000 meals, for food insecure families in the greater peninsula area. This year is the biggest year yet for donations from the Mayflower Marathon Holiday Food Drive!


The annual Holiday Food Drive is hosted by a pair of local radio stations in Suffolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia. The event is a 57 ½ hour food drive that took place from November 18-20, where residents drop off food at one of four locations - 3 on the lower peninsula of southeast Virginia and one on the southside, also known as South Hampton Roads. The event relies heavily on volunteers to transport the food, with one of those volunteers being Hampton Roads Moving and Storage.

Hampton Roads Moving and Storage has been part of Move For Hunger for the past several years. They won a Mover of the Month award in January of 2021 and are regularly active in the fight against hunger with events like Fill-A-Truck, Golf Outings, and their yearly signature event - the Mayflower Marathon. Since joining the Move For Hunger network, they have transported more than 1.6 million pounds of donations, providing more than 1.3 million meals to those in need.

Inflation has impacted food insecure families significantly this year, with grocery prices continuing to rise and lines at food banks growing longer. Food banks across the country are reporting the most traffic they’ve seen all year. In Virginia alone, over 650,000 people are food insecure, with more than 180,000 children not knowing where their next meal is coming from. 

To find out more about what you can do to join the fight against hunger, join our network or donate to our cause!

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Pictures from fm99.com